Rolands Home Living & Experiences

My name is Roland Swityk, I have Down Syndrome, and I’ve lived on my own for a long time.

First I moved out to Kiwanis Park Place in Ocean Park.

I did my own cooking grocery shopping with some support. The best part about living at Kiwanis Park Place was that I proved to myself & the people I’m associated with that I can live on my own.  I did this by not being afraid to try new things like getting groceries on my own,  paying my own bills, organizing my own life.  I sometimes made mistakes but that’s how I learned.

I now live at the Chorus Apartments and enjoy living here.  I used to be reluctant to go out, enjoyed staying at home.

Over the past 12 months I’ve been looking to go out and do more in my community. I’ve realized that it’s important for me to be active & to be around people.

I find that I’m a much happier individual because of that. Now I’m looking for some employment opportunities to make some extra cash.

I would like a steady job, so I’m able to do more stuff & buy the things I need.

I’m good at working with my hands, I’m very friendly, and have a good sense of humor , and like working on team.

I feel like I just continue to grow into a more stable & well rounded independent individual.

For anybody else thinking about wanting to move out of their parents place, just do it.  You will have more freedom to do what you want, when you want.

Nobody tells me what time to go to bed, or what time to eat.  You get to develop your own ways of doing things, and can set your own rules.

It’s a big responsibility but it’s totally worth it!

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