Maybe Too Much Information

If on the odd chance you have the opportunity to walk by the bedroom of a couple that’s been together for over 40 years and you hear gulps of pleasure emanating from the room. 8 out of ten times on the other side of the door, they’re scratching each other’s backs. Yeah. Man. Sex is awesome but that itch that’s just out of reach – priceless.

Stop here if you are afraid of too much information.

I just want to make a point.

A lot of what I’ve gone through has been painful. My body hurts as it heals.

That pain.


The body.

It’s cause.

Or that’s how you see it.

But last night in bed, Joe scratched my back and got that sweet sweet spot. My whole body tingled with pleasure.

It felt good.

To feel pleasure.

In my body.

To be reminded.

Of the gifts it can give.

I fell asleep with the hope that the morning bring more pleasure and less pain. It’s nice to think that way, like the whole thing might be possible.

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