Nice Unaware Untrained Unthinking Love

Self Advocates when read this warning of language that might be offensive to you. careful.

I am, when advocating for things like the right to pee, almost always told that prejudice, specifically ableism and disphobia, do not exist. I’m not sure if it’s because they think that non disabled people are too nice to be prejudice or if we are simply not worthy of the bother of prejudice. But, whatever it is, I’m constantly told that:

1) We just didn’t think about accessibility when we made the change.

– well then … think

2) Sometimes when you aren’t disabled you don’t notice what access needs are.

– well then … notice

3) We just need more training so that we can become more aware.

– being ‘aware’ isn’t the same as been ‘awoke’

4) We LOVE our disabled customers.

– get me a barf bag, I don’t want your love, I want equal access

So non disabled people don’t have a prejudiced bone in their body when it comes to us. Not one. My lived experience at the blunt end of interactions with the world around me and the people who inhabit it, notwithstanding, tell me otherwise.

But the only people who I have found that can hear a conversation that has the words ableism and disphobia in it are others who are within the movement.

“Forgive them for they know not what they do.”


But what if they do?

What if they do.

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