One Full Swoop and Life Changed

Camille Marquis

When COVID-19 self-isolation struck, it was a doozy. I felt mixed emotions happening in my body.

My feelings where mad, sad, and disappointed. I guess you could say I was confused and I did not understand. Everything that I knew and loved was cancelled. My art, music, cooking classes, lunch with friends, work, gym, and pool were all gone. Not to mention my favorite spot of all, the Thrift Store.

Then very quickly adjustments were made. I had support workers reach out to me right away sharing ideas on how we can stay connected using my iPad. I was very pumped to see my friends again in real time. I started having morning teas, working on projects and movie nights virtually through Face Time. I also stay active by going for a lot of walks and walking to my mom’s house.

My challenges were learning new skills on my iPad and Zoom was definitely a challenge. I had my mom, a support worker and a friend all try to help me. Thankfully, they never gave up and I got it. I was very excited to see all my friends again virtually. We now have weekly group Zoom meetings which are yoga, art, music and lunch sessions. It is not the same but, it is better than nothing and I like it. I am happy to know that eventually I will go back to see everyone and do all my activities again.

I am also very excited about a recent accomplishment. Usually, I always have someone standing beside me when I cook in the kitchen. However, this time I made Morning Glory muffins all by myself with the help of my support worker through Face Time.

She walked me through the steps on by one. When I was finished I was very excited and pleased so, I emailed a picture of the muffins to my friends, family and support workers. I wanted to show them, look what I did! I guess there is good things that came out of COVID-19.

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