Written by Danielle Burns
About Covid 19 virus. We don’t know a lot about it.
A lot of people are on disability and need to apply for EI. It’s really affected seniors and people with a compromised immune system and people should stay at home as much as possible.
Work is very important to me. I was temporarily laid off of work because I work at a seniors home as a hairdresser’s assistant .
I miss going out to lunch with my boss and seeing my friends from the care home. I’m collecting PWD.
I can’t go and hang with any of my friends. Two of my friends can’t leave their house because of their compromised immune system. We face time. I’m feeling a bit bored. Not being able to go to the mall and see friends is hard. It’s good to stay connected with friends and family .
To keep myself busy I do puzzles, painted birdhouses, draw, use oil pastels. I recently bought a camera and enjoy taking pictures. I’ll make albums to show friends. I also enjoy cooking. One of my specialties is butter chicken. I also meet weekly with my toastmasters club through Zoom. I use transit and right now you load on the back of the bus, the bus is free and fewer people are allowed on the bus
Essential services like grocery stores are open. Most places take debit or credit not cash which can be difficult because many people with disabilities carry cash. Save On, Staples and Canadian Tire will take cash if you don’t have debit or credit
I’m a member of SAS and we do our meetings through Zoom. You receive an invite. In our SAS meeting we had 20 people.
We decided to do small groups. In the large group it’s hard for everyone to share so we starting small zoom groups.
It’s a hard time right now but I’m learning a lot and staying active. It’s important to stay positive