Proudly Accessible

I did ask. “Are the buses accessible that take us from the airport to the rental cars?” A beaming smile accompanies the word yes. When people are that happy about accessibility, for an odd reason, I get less trusting. “You know, with a ramp and everything?” Again a big smile and a yes. Okay.

We go out to catch the a bus that will get us our car. We arrive to a bus with a lot of stairs. “I was told that the service was accessible,” I said. I was then told that they did have a bus that was accessible, they would just have to go get it and them come to get me. I asked how long this would take and she had no idea. Then it was suggested that I wait at the airport, she’d take Joe over and then he could drive back and get me. This is the plan we settle on.

Let’s get something clear.

Accessible isn’t having one ‘special bus’ it’s being able to access what you need like everyone else does. I didn’t mind the wait, I didn’t mind being left behind waiting to be picked up. I did mind not being told the truth. I did mind that ‘accessible’ is often simply not accessible. What’s the difference between, in their mind, between the promised service and the service I received?

I don’t know but it’s a difference they are proud of!!

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