Quesnel Self Advocates walk to raise awareness

October 18th, 2016

quesnel-clm-event-pageOn October 5, Quesnel self advocates took part in the sixth annual Walk to Talk event to raise awareness about inclusion during Community Living Month.

Each year, the walk starts at the Quesnel library and ends at the spirit square in the centre of the community.

It is organized by self advocates with support from family, community and CLBC.

This year, 20 self advocates participated, speaking to community members and answering questions about self advocacy and inclusion.

Cake and refreshments were enjoyed by both people at the event and those who were unable to attend.

The next event for Community Living Month in Quesnel will be a dance on October 29. We hope everyone has a great time!

Find highlights and upcoming events from Community Living Month 2016 here.

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