Research to better support children and youth


The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) is developing a service framework to better support children and youth with special needs (CYSN) and their families.

The framework will guide how the ministry provides and funds CYSN programs and services ready for implementation in April 2020.

We understand that the service framework cannot be created in isolation and want to capture the experience of families and service providers as they support these children and youth.

The ministry is working with two research firms to identify opportunities to improve access, quality and coordination of CYSN services and programs:

  • Reciprocal Consulting is leading the participant experience research with Indigenous families, focusing on their experiences and journeys as they seek and move through MCFD’s system of supports and services.
  • KPMG is conducting participant experience research with families, including but not limited to Indigenous families and communities, and gathering information to help the ministry better understand the current state of CYSN services.


Click here for online survey

Also click here to CYSN Consultation Sessions


This research will inform the service framework and support continuous improvement, and is not evaluating programs and services.

Rather, KPMG and Reciprocal are focused on gathering information to help us better understand the landscape of the current service delivery system.

There will be sessions within communities throughout the province and an opportunity to provide insight into CYSN programs through service participant and a provider surveys.

Links for these opportunities are embedded in the attached invitations.

The ministry would appreciate your assistance in sharing the attached invitations from Reciprocal Consulting and KPMG with your networks.

These invitations provide information on the research and stakeholder participation and engagement opportunities throughout the province.

If you have any questions about this research or the CYSN Service Framework, please contact us


Thank you for supporting this important work.

Danielle Smith| Executive Director

Early Years, Indigenous Early Years and Inclusion Policy

Ministry of Children and Family Development

Acknowledging the Lekwungen People, traditional keepers of this land



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