Running Out To Do A Chore: Dialogue

bio_dave_hingsburgerReally, I’m fine.

No, I don’t need someone to be with me.

No, you don’t need to call anyone.

Please, could you move out of the way of my wheelchair?

Seriously, I an fully independent.

OK, yes I need help with some things, but not with being out on my own.

I’d like you to move so I can get by you.

Really, you don’t need to call the police.

No, I don’t have a minder.

Really, I don’t need a minder.

I don’t have a staff at home, I have a husband there.

Yes, I’m allowed to be gay.

No, he doesn’t have to be with me when I go out.

Please get out of the way of my wheelchair.

I’m not answering that question.

If you don’t move, I’m going to call the police.

There’s a security guard, ‘over here, over here.’

This woman has me trapped here and won’t let me move because she thinks I need a minder.

No, I don’t need a staff.

Yes, I have ID but why do I have to show you ID? I just need your help to get out of here.

No, I don’t have a certificate that says I’m allowed to be out on my own.

I’m done, I’m calling the police, and you sir are in real trouble.

Your job is to help me from a woman who has clearly trapped me, a wheelchair user, in a corner and is blocking my free access.


(Everyone leaves)

I go on, alone without assistance.


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