Sarah’s Covid Adventure

Written by: Sarah Burke

Hi everyone. My name is Sarah Burke and I am 22 years old and I have a dog named Coco, a twin brother named Connor (he is a Peace Officer) and I live with my Mom and Dad.

This is my Covid Adventure…
At the beginning of the pandemic I had to stay home a lot. When I was home, I played Minecraft, Roblox and Sims 4. I started to check in on family and friends. I still call Jessica and Aunty Michele often to make sure they are ok. For fun I also did painting, sewing, drumming and poetry. I was lucky to get new drumsticks.
When some restrictions lifted, I started going for walks with Tara.

We went to lots and lots of parks like Blackie Spit, Crescent Beach, White Rock Beach, Chickadee Loop, and Campbell Valley Park. When we drove to those places, I was the car DJ with my speaker.
Then I was invited to do a video shoot for Uniti and the Self Advocates of Semiahmoo. I had 3 roles. My first character was of a Mischievous Space Solider that watched people and made sure they were socially distancing. I did this by popping out of nowhere and measuring the distance between them with my 6-foot pool noodle.

The second role I had was communicating silently with poster boards and markers at a safe distance. Finally, I showed people how to ask for space politely and rudely during the virus.
Since I became an Allstar from the videos I also got to do a photo shoot to thank the donors of the Semiahmoo Foundation. Next, I took a picture to be placed in a thank you letter to Bonnie Henry.
I have started a new craft project with Mom and enjoyed lots of nice talks. Me and Connor go for rides in his new car.

Me and Dad went on the Spider (3 wheeled motorcycle) and now we are planning to take vacation in BC together soon. I like it because I get to be the DJ on road trips.Let us keep safe by washing our hands a lot, wearing a mask if you go in stores or places with lots of people.

Give people space (6 FEET) and stay at home when you are sick please.
Thank you for listening in!
Peace Out!
Sarah Burke

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