The Kamloops Self Advocates Newsletter August 2020 Edition

The Kamloops Self-Advocates is a

Newsletter for people with diverse abilities
published by Krystian Shaw.


August  Edition KSA Newsletter 2020 contains in

This month’s theme

Summer is in full swing and we hope you are having a great time! Holidays may be looking a bit dif-ferent this year, but lots of people are finding ways to enjoy local activities. We’d love to hear how you are getting creative and having fun here in Kamloops.

We have lots of food for thought in this newsletter.

That includes a tasty summer BBQ recipe – yum! You can also find out about how good nutrition can help your brain. And, when your brain feels good, you may want to spread the happiness, which is easy to do when you celebrate this fun, unofficial holiday, Happiness Happens Day. You can find out about that and a whole lot more in this month’s newsletter.
Remember, we are always looking for interesting people to inter-view and ideas for different articles.

If you have any ideas for ar-ticles you would like us to include, please let us know!


Click here to read the KSA Aug 2020

If you would like to contact the newsletter, you can
Contact us at:113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9
Office phone: 250-828-1344
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