published by Krystian Shaw.

May Edition of KSA Newsletter 2022 contains in

We have exciting news!!! We are part of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospitals Dear Everybody campaign.
This campaign promotes diverse abilities representation through community and employment inclusion, social equality, social justice, awareness, respect and reducing stigma and discrimination. Joining it helps The KSA live up to our commitment by making
peoples lives with diverse abilities

Some other important topics to note in this months newsletter are: nursing awareness days, CMHA mental health week and our regular column about kindness and compassion. We have far more abilities than disabilities and we need to shine a spotlight on what we can do, not what we cant do. We always love to hear about what you think is important.

Why not send us an email and let us know what is on your mind?

Click here to read the newsletter KSA May 2022 online

Do you have a story idea or an event you think would be interesting for our readers?

Please subscribe to the Kamloops Self Advocate Newsletter to receive a newsletter each month with
interesting and inspiring content Contact us at:


113-540 Seymour St,. Kamloops, BC V2C 2G9

Office phone: 250-828-1344