
Today we begin a week’s vacation. Our hallway is lined with suitcases. Packing is nearly done. This is all stuff that Joe does and I am the exceedingly grateful recipient of his expertise. This means that I get to sit and do nothing while he makes satisfied noises every time he remembers something he was determined that he’d forget. It’s just what we do.

It is my job to make the reservations and ensure that we get what we want and need. This is made easy because the staff at the hotel remember us, know that I’m a wheelchair user and work to ensure that the whole process is smooth and that my only experience at check in is ‘Welcome Back!”

They have the art of customer service down to an art. To a one the staff there seem to want to make everyone feel at home. They seem to realize that, because we need adapted rooms, our needs don’t call for adapted interactions.

So when I called last night to reassure myself that all was okay, I knew that it would be. And it was. I didn’t have to talk toilets to strangers. (And I bless them for that.)

After breakfast we will move into getting out of here and into there.

I am so looking forward to this!

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