What’s Up

My life has been a little out of control over the past several months. What with work here in Toronto and the travel I’ve been doing, there has been little in the way of down time. I found all the work exciting and the lecturing satisfying, but there’s been little time for other projects. Friends will attest that it feels like I ‘ghosted’ them. (Frankly that’s a brand new word for me.)

Something wonderful happened a few months ago. I was approached by a publishing company about developing a book for them and I accepted immediately. I was so excited, it’s something I really want to write. But I’ve had to push that back over and over again because of what was happening with the rest of my time.

I have decided that not only do I want to write it, I REALLY WANT TO WRITE IT. And so I’ve begun. Got a good start. The editor is awesome and really helpful. So, I’m going to put my attention there and see if I can focus time and energy on the project. Did I say, that I REALLY WANT TO DO THIS? And that I’m honoured to have been asked.

So, what this means is that for the next little while my blog will be updated less frequently. I like to write in the mornings and the blog takes up more time than you might imagine. I will still update the blog but it won’t be daily as it has been for years.

I am starting an adventure.

And, no, not telling you the topic or the company, that’s all for later.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

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