CLBC Board is looking for new members — application deadline is July 4

Posted on June 21st,2022

Community Living BC (CLBC)’s Board of Directors governs the overall way CLBC does its work. This includes responsibilities like approving CLBC’s strategic plan and making sure there is a way to know if the services and supports provided by CLBC make a difference for the people we serve.

The CLBC Board will soon have new positions open in August 2022 and January 2023.

As of August, there will be one director position open for a person who has worked in financial management and preferably is a chartered professional accountant (CPA).

As of January, there will be one director position open for a person who is a family member and caregiver to a person supported by CLBC.

In general, CLBC looks for board members who have expertise related to running a large organization and/or knowledge of issues facing adults with developmental disabilities and of the self-advocacy community in British Columbia

Learn more and apply

The Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO) coordinates appointments to boards of public sector organizations. You can find the posting for these CLBC Board openings on the CABRO website here. You can read a plain language version of the posting here.

Applications for both positions are open until July 4, 2022.

The posting includes information about desired experience, the work of the CLBC Board, the roles and responsibilities of board members, and the process for submitting an expression of interest for one of these roles.

You can also learn more about the CLBC Board on our website here.

This is on the CLBC website go to the link here

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